Then we got to go to church for the 1st time. Because there are so many of us here we were asked to go to the other campus where we were going to have our own service. It was amazing. The worship was great. There were seats and we rushed to get ones at the front. But then when the worship started everyone went to the front and worshipped God there. I thought how awesome would that be in our church if when it started everyone just came to the front.
Then someone gave a prophetic word about how God sees the sacrifices we have made to get to the school: money, family, jobs. He said that God sees our sacrifice of praise and is going to move in power in our lives.
We had Kris Vallotton give the talk. It was really good. It took me a while to understand what he was saying and he kept cracking jokes so it was difficult at first to make notes. But when he got going it was great. He was talking about abiding in God and to abide in God we need to be pruned to keep bearing fruit. He said that we do a lot for our bosses that we might not want to do but we do it to be obedient and to get paid. We turn up on time because we want the money. But, do we turn up to church on time to get more love? Are we obedient to all that God has asked us to do. He said that if we want to be transformed we first need to be informed and to be informed we need to be instructed (ie accept God's training). By the way it is very different when someone preaches here. The congregation join in and make loads of noise saying things like "preach it brother" and "you have word". It is crazy to watch. American speakers must come to England and think we are all either bored or asleep!
After church we went to Luigi Pizza with some other students. 4 of us shared a pizza and it was the biggest one I have ever seen. It was also the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted. It was so great not to cook and it was the 1st time I got to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. All the Americans were worried I would fry in the heat. (it is not too hot here at the moment: only about 25 degrees). They think it so funny how white I am.
Then we went next door to Cold Stone which is an ice cream place. It was so tasty. I am glad I only had a small one as it was very rich and I could not finish it.
Tonight I went to the evening service at the main Bethel church. :)))))
At the end we went through a fire tunnel where people pray and you get filled with the holy spirit. It was awesome to watch and definitely something we can do in our local church.
I didn't manage to get any pictures of the Glory cloud but it looked like this one:
After we went to In and Out burger. Thanks Jamie for recommending it. It was an amazing burger not like the thin limp ones we get in the UK. In and out also print scripture on their napkins and cups etc. We didn't get to eat until after 9pm. I am struggling to adjust to this eating at odd times. I need to cook at home again tomorrow as 2 fast foods in one day is not great for my stomach. We have not had much time to relax yet and our classes start tomorrow which will be full on.
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