Sunday, 10 June 2012

Drunk in the Holy Spirit

Well I was excited to be at church today.  I had heard all the reports about the holy spirit stirring in our church over the past few weeks and I came with an expectant heart to see what God was going to do. 

It is amazing really, there were so many technical problems: the worship leader's microphone seemed to malfunction and crackle, for some reason most of the words did not appear on the overhead screen (and some of them were new to us).  Yet despite this God came in power.  You know I am certainly convinced that no matter what the the service is like, if you come with an expectant heart you will meet God.  I met with God.

We had a man called Roger Cole come and preach about the Holy Spirit and healing.  He gave a lot of examples of how God has used him to heal others, in Jesus' name.  He was raising our faith for miracles.  And he did. I sat through him giving lots of prophetic words and then a list of ailments for an alter call.  My afflictions were not mentioned and I sank a little in my chair. 

I had the amazing prophetic word given to me a few months ago about going to Bethel and part of the word was a promise for healing.  So I thought "well I can wait a few more weeks until I am there". But I felt God say that he is as much here as he is there.  I can receive His blessing here too.  In my local church.

So I went forward fro prayer.  I have many things I would love the Lord to heal me from, but I felt I should ask for help with my knee.  It has been sore for about 6 weeks since I stupidly went Jogging on it.  (I am not a small lady and I have had major issues with my pelvis and hips for 8 years now.  I was told to never run....and I had.)  So Janey prayed for my pelvis and hips and as she prayed I felt a warmth in my knee.  I asked the Lord to heal me and to fill me with His Holy Spirit.  I began to feel warm all over and then suddenly I was flat on the floor: completely slain in the spirit, just resting in God's presence.  It felt great. When I finally got up from the floor with all the children looking at me worryingly.  I felt so out of it: like I was drunk.   I have never seen anyone slain in our church... so it was unusual to be seen I am sure.

So have I been healed?  I really don't know.  I know I have no pain in my knee or hips, but I will need to get out and walk to see if the healing has been done.

I am leading next week....  I would love to see more people completely filled with the holy spirit.  I can see the Lord moving and I know as we expect to see God move in power we will.  It reminds me about what Will Matthews said when I chatted to him after the Bethel UK Tour in Bath last month.  Someone had asked him whether it was normal for the Holy Spirit to be so tangible when they lead worship: he said that the Holy spirit lives in the people who come and worship and so the spirit moves when the people come with expectant hearts. 

So my expectation for next Sunday is definitely raised...  I cannot wait to see what God does.

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