Saturday, 16 June 2012

6 days to go

Yes it is 6 days until I fly out to Bethel.   Yes I have a flight... but it has not been an easy few days. 

I finally heard from the Airline that my ticket had been reinstated and as a nice gesture they had bumped me to economy plus which meant I had a nice window seat with more leg room.  Nice.  But when I checked my e ticket there was still no flight and the travel agent's page still said I had no flight.  Aggrrh.  My darling husband rang them while I was teaching in school and they said they have it all sorted now.  I went online to check and whilst it looks sorted I now no longer have the upgrade.  Ho Hum.  At least I should be on the flight. 

I had to choose from the remaining seats in economy and all that was left were middle row seats at the very back of the areoplane.  Funny how I spent ages choosing my seat the 1st time round and now I have the very seat I tried to avoid (middle of the very back row).  I actually don't care anymore.  In fact I am not even that nervous about flying: I just want to get there and am grateful to have any seat. 

My fear though is that when I get to the airport, there will be another issue with my ticket.  My eticket now has a list of at least 20 flights because they have changed my literary so many times.  I am am just going to go to Heathrow with faith that I will get on the flight.

But.... the good news is I have discovered another Bethel student Anna is also going to be on my 2 flights.  How cool is that.  At least I will not be on my own in the airport and making connections.

By the way, today is the day where I start to wear all my manky clothes...  so I can get through the washing to pack my nicer ones.  So if you see me and I look like I have not made an effort: you'll know why!

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