First you have to walk past the nice seats: just to taunt you.
"You are too poor to sit here"
Then you finally find your own seat... in the back row:
These are my knees!
So I had to wake one of them up every now and then to use the loo. "excuse me unsociable person please wake up before I wet my knickers!"
I was sat behind an orthodox priest though and he was more chatty. I watched him spend ages choosing which in flight film to watch (he decided on the sound of music). Then he listened to something on his laptop. He had the most enormous picture of Jesus as his screen saver. Then he deliberated again over which film to watch and proceeded to watch the sound of music all the way through again!!!!!!! Because our flight had been delayed we made friends the priest and I. We pegged it for customs together and ran side by side through baggage reclaim. His dress tassels were flying as we ran: bizarre moment in my life!
Just to prove I made it :)
But dreams of reaching my destination that night were shattered when I discovered they had cancelled all the connecting flights to Redding.
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