I was recently asked to sum up what worship is to me. It was good to think about it. This was my response..
“Worship is my life. It gives me life. Seeking God in all areas, asking Him to come and fill me, giving Him glory, spending my time thinking about Him and praising Him. Seeking His will not mine, falling at His feet and offering my life for Him. For me it is reading his word, being still and feeling his holy spirit, watching the sun set, dancing, waving a flag, singing. I love to worship Him by visiting the sick, helping the lost, bringing his light to dark places. Whatever I do, I want it to glorify the King. I sing constantly, it must be very annoying for those around me… I just want to sing to Him all day. I often can’t sleep because I am still singing to Him. I believe worship comes from our soul, deep within us. Through the Holy spirit we have a connection to God at all times. As soon as I look to God I cannot help but worship Him. He is worthy of my worship. God has made me creative and when I use my creativity to worship Him, It lights a fire within me. I used to go to church on a Sunday and worship. I would sing a bit and then somewhere near the end of the singing I would connect with God again… But now something has changed within me: I no longer come disconnected, I come connected, ready to give my all for my Saviour, because He gave his all for me. I long for the days in heaven when I can see Him and worship Him constantly, for now I pray for more of His Holy spirit, more of this connection, more of God in My life”
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