Friday, 25 May 2012

Bethel UK Tour

I had the most amazing time last night at the Bethel UK Tour in Bath City Church.  We arrived to find the queue wrapping around the building.  It was a beautiful art deco theater and we ended up right at the very top of the building.  I am very wobbly with heights and this was very very high.  I didn't have much leg room and it was extremely hot.  I could not see the stage very clearly and I was grumpy to say the least.  Then the band came on and Just prayed for the Holy spirit to come.  We waited and it came... like a fire.  We were all connected, we were ready and then we were off.

I forgot about the height, I didn't care that I couldn't see the band clearly (I could see God) and I made a break from my row and danced my socks off in the fire exit gangway.  I have never known worship like it:  I felt the presence of God so tangibly.  The worship team pointed to heaven and we all went there.  As the evening progressed I saw an empty seat further down the balcony nearer the front and I seized it as my own.  Then by the very end I turned to look for my friend and noticed she was not there... then I saw her head bobbing up and own at the very front next to the stage.  I ran down the stairs, pushed my way to the front and jumped like I have never jumped before.  If the roof had not been so secure I am sure it would have blown right off.

Not great qualilty but here is a clip of the evening posted on Youtube:

After the meeting the band were in the foyer chatting to people.  Praying for people.  No star status, just wanting to pass on their passion.  I talked to several of the people including Will Matthews and Jeremy Riddle:

Ok so it is a terrible picture of me... but you can see from the picture how happy I was and how friendly he was.  In fact I think my face stayed that colour for some time after the jumping ended.  Jeremy prayed that I would have the grace to leave my kids next month to attend the Bethel School of Supernatural Worship in California.  He said that he had 5 kids and found it hard leaving them too.  Will Matthews was telling me about the classes he is teaching and thought I should definitely come to those.  They did sound up my street so I will look forward to choosing my classes in the next few weeks. 

4 Weeks to go until I am at Bethel worshiping like that every day for 2 whole weeks.  I am going to LOVE it.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Lord is the same today

It was such a pleasure to lead worship today.  God answered my prayers and showed up in power this morning.  There was breakthrough in the spiritual realms.

Our God is the same God of Elijah, of David and of Paul.  The holy spirit is alive today and lives in us.  When we call on His name He comes in power.  We can expect Him to heal, we can expect Him to come with His fire.  We can expect to prophesy, to see visions, for chains to be broken because He has not changed.  He is the God who shows his power through miracles, signs and wonders.  We can expect this from our Lord because He has not changed.  When we seek Him we will find Him.

My heart is for God to be in our lives, day by day, so that when we come together to worship we will each bring some of God’s fire with us.   I will expect God to continue to breathe life into our church.  That we may come expecting the unexpected.  Come Holy Spirit in this place, have your way. 

Saturday, 5 May 2012

What is Worship?

I was recently asked to sum up what worship is to me.  It was good to think about it.  This was my response.. 
“Worship is my life.  It gives me life.  Seeking God in all areas, asking Him to come and fill me, giving Him glory, spending my time thinking about Him and praising Him.  Seeking His will not mine, falling at His feet and offering my life for Him. For me it is reading his word, being still and feeling his holy spirit, watching the sun set, dancing,  waving a flag, singing.  I love to worship Him by visiting the sick, helping the lost, bringing his light to dark places.  Whatever I do, I want it to glorify the King. I sing constantly, it must be very annoying for those around me…  I just want to sing to Him all day.  I often can’t sleep because I am still singing to Him.   I believe worship comes from our soul, deep within us.  Through the Holy spirit we have a connection to God at all times.  As soon as I look to God I cannot help but worship Him.  He is worthy of my worship.  God has made me creative and when I use my creativity to worship Him, It lights a fire within me.  I used to go to church  on a Sunday and worship.  I would sing a bit and then somewhere near the end of the singing I would connect with God again…  But now something has changed within me:  I no longer come disconnected, I come connected, ready to give my all for my Saviour, because He gave his all for me.  I long for the days in heaven when I can see Him and worship Him constantly, for now I pray for more of His Holy spirit, more of this connection, more of God in My life”